Setup WHM & cPanel on Google Cloud with Mod_PageSpeed

Setting up Google Cloud

So you're looking for the resources to setup WHM & cPanel on Google Cloud? Well, we have that as well as how to setup Mod_PageSpeed!

Google Cloud Documentation:

Create Project

  1. Go to and Sign In

  2. Click Create Project


  4. Click Create

  5. Add any other people you need to work on the project through IAM

Create Instance

  1. Click [PROJECTNAME]

  2. Click Menu (3 bars) >> Compute Engine

  3. Click Create Instance

  4. Enter the following:phg

    1. Name: [INSTANCENAME]

    2. Zone: europe-west1-d

    3. Machine Type: [MACHINETYPE]

    4. Click Change in Boot disk and choose:

      1. CentOS 7

      2. Boot disk type: SSD persistent disk

      3. Size: [DISKSIZE]

    5. In Firewall

      1. tick Allow HTTP traffic

      2. tick Allow HTTPS traffic

    6. Click Create

  5. Make a note of the IP address in the project variables list

Reserve IP Address

  1. Click Menu (3 bars) >> VPC network >> External IP addresses

  2. Click Ephemeral on the row that has VM instance [INSTANCENAME]

  3. Select Static

  4. In Name enter [INSTANCENAME]

  5. Click Reserve

Create Firewall Rules

  1. In Google Cloud click Firewall Rules


    1. In Name enter cpanel

    2. In Source filter enter Allow from any source (

    3. In Allowed protocols and ports enter: tcp:20; tcp:21; tcp:22; tcp:25; tcp:26; tcp:37; tcp:43; tcp:53; udp:53; tcp:80; tcp:110; tcp:113; tcp:143; tcp:443; tcp:465; udp:465; tcp:587; tcp:783; udp:783; tcp:873;udp:873; tcp:993; tcp:995; tcp:2073; tcp:2077; tcp:2078; tcp:2079; tcp:2080; tcp:2082; tcp:2083; tcp:2086; tcp:2087; tcp:2089; tcp:2095; tcp:2096; tcp:2525; udp:2525; tcp:3306; udp:50000-60000;tcp:50000-60000

    4. Click Create

Preparing Server on SSH

Update Root Password

  1. Click SSH button on the instance row

  2. sudo su -

  3. passwd

  4. Using LastPass generate a new password, copy it, and make a note of it

  5. Paste the password and press enter (it will look like there has been nothing pasted in, still press enter)

  6. Paste the password again and press enter

  7. Add the password to LastPass

Installing screen

  1. yum install screen

  2. y

Change Hostname

  1. Change Hostname: hostname [SERVERNAME]

Create A Record

  • Add an A record to your DNS management system for [SEVERNAME] with the IP address which can be found on Google Cloud under your project instance

Installing Cloud Linux (Optional)

Buy Cloudlinux License

Downloading Cloudlinux

  1. On SSH enter the following:

  2. wget

  3. sh cldeploy -k [CLOUDLINUX KEY]

  4. On completion, on SSH enter the following:

  5. reboot

Installing WHM

WHM Documentation:

Buy WHM License

Downloading WHM

  1. On SSH enter the following:

  2. screen

  3. cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest

  4. /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt

  5. /usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkallsslcerts

Initial WHM Setup

  1. Navigate to http://[SERVERNAME]:2087 (you might have to initially navigate to https://[SERVERIP]:2087 , just note your IP in Google Cloud Engine)

  2. Login using root as the username

  3. Step 1: Click I Agree/Go To Step 2

  4. Step 2:

    1. Enter your chosen email as the Server Contact Email Address (e.g. sys@[SERVERTLD])

    2. Enter as the Primary Resolver

    3. Enter as the Secondary Resolver

    4. Enter as the Tertiary Resolver (optional)

  5. Click Save & Go to Step 3

  6. Click Skip This Step and Use Default Settings

  7. Click Save & Go to Step 5

  8. Click Skip This Step and Use Default Settings

  9. Click Finish Setup Wizard

  10. Click Go to WHM

  11. Click Save Settings

Configuring WHM Settings

Configure Apache

  1. Go to https://[SERVERNAME]:2087 and login as root

  2. Go to Software >> EasyApache 4

  3. Click Customize

  4. Make sure the following is ticked.

  5. Click Apache Modules

    1. mod_bwlimited

    2. mod_cache

    3. mod_cache_disk

    4. mod_cache_socache

    5. mod_cgi

    6. mod_cpanel

    7. mod_data

    8. mod_dav (optional)

    9. mod_dav_fs (optional)

    10. mod_deflate

    11. mod_env

    12. mod_expires

    13. mod_file_cache

    14. mod_headers

    15. mod_imagemap

    16. mod_mime_magic

    17. mod_mpm_prefork

    18. mod_proxy

    19. mod_proxy_fcgi

    20. mod_proxy_ftp

    21. mod_proxy_html

    22. mod_proxy_http

    23. mod_proxy_scgi

    24. mod_proxy_wstunnel

    25. mod_security2

    26. mod_socache_memcache

    27. mod_ssl

    28. mod_suexec

    29. mod_suphp

    30. mod_unique_id

    31. mod_version

  6. Click PHP Versions

    1. php56 (Optional, don't use if you don't have any 5.x sites currently)

    2. php70

    3. php71

    4. php72

  7. Click Php Extensions ( Make sure to tick all versions of each extensions )

    1. libc-client

    2. pear

    3. php-bcmath

    4. calendar

    5. cli

    6. common

    7. curl

    8. devel

    9. fileinfo

    10. fpm

    11. ftp

    12. gd

    13. iconv

    14. imap

    15. ioncube10

    16. litespeed (optional for LSWS)

    17. mbstring

    18. mcrypt

    19. mysqlnd

    20. pdo

    21. posix

    22. soap

    23. sockets

    24. xml

    25. zendguard

    26. zip

    27. intl

    28. runtime

  8. Click Review

  9. Save as Profile (for use in deploying another server later, or restoring the current one)

  10. Click Provision

  11. Click Done

Apache Config File Optimizations

  1. Go to Service Configuration >> Apache Configuration

  2. Click Include Editor

  3. Under “Post VirtualHost Include” select “All versions” from the dropdown

  4. In the text area paste the following code:

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
# Enable expirations
ExpiresActive On
# Default directive
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"
# My favicon
ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access plus 1 year"
# Images
ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 month"
# Javascript
ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 1 year"
ExpiresByType application/pdf "access plus 1 month"
# Flash
ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access plus 1 month"
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
# Compress HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Text, XML and fonts
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-opentype
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-otf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-truetype
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-ttf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/opentype
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/otf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/ttf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/svg+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/x-icon
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml
# Remove browser bugs (only needed for really old browsers)
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
Header append Vary User-Agent

  1. Click Update

  2. Click Restart Apache

Configuring PHP

  1. Go to Software >> MultiPHP INI Editor

  2. Under Select PHP Version go through each version and configure the following:

  3. allow_url_fopen = Enabled

  4. Ignore: max_execution_time = 360

  5. Ignore: max_input_time = 180

  6. Ignore: memory_limit = 512M

  7. Ignore: upload_max_filesize = 256M

  8. Ignore: In “Editor Mode” post_max_size = 256M

  9. In “Editor Mode” always_populate_raw_post_data = -1

  10. Click Save

Disable Compiler

  1. Go to Security Center >> Compiler Access

  2. Click Disable Compilers

Configure open_basedir Fix

  1. Go to Security Center >> PHP open_basedir Tweak

  2. Tick Enable php open_basedir Protection.

  3. Click Save

Configure Shell Fork Bomb Protection

  1. Go to Security Center >> Shell Fork Bomb Protection

  2. Click Enable Protection

Disable Traceroute

  1. Go to Security Center >> Traceroute Enable/Disable

  2. Click Disable

Configure Shell Fork Bomb Protection

  1. Go to Security Center >> Shell Fork Bomb Protection

  2. Click Enable Protection

Allow SMTP on Port 2525

  1. Go to Service Configuration >> Service Manager

  2. Tick both boxes next to Exim Mail Server (on another port) to 360

  3. Change Allow exim to listen on a port other than 25. to 2525

  4. Click Save

Install ClamAV and Munin

  1. Go to cPanel >> Manage Plugins

  2. Click Install ClamAV for cPanel

  3. Click Install Munin for cPanel

Default Show All on List Accounts

  1. Go to Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings

  2. Click Display

  3. Number of accounts per page to display in “List Accounts”. = All

  4. Click Save

Prevent “nobody” from sending mail & Disable Horde and Squirrel

  1. Go to Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings

  2. Click Mail

  3. Prevent “nobody” from sending mail = On

  4. Enable Horde Webmail = Off

  5. Enable Mailman mailing lists = Off

  6. Enable Roundcube webmail = Off

  7. Enable SquirrelMail webmail = Off

  8. Click Save

Restrict Spam on Server

  1. Go to Service Configuration >> Exim Configuration Manager

  2. Under the RBLs section:

    1. Click On for RBL:

    2. Click On for RBL:

  3. Under the Apache SpamAssassin™ Options section

    1. Click On for Apache SpamAssassin™: Forced Global ON

    2. Click On for Scan outgoing messages for spam and reject based on the Apache SpamAssassin™ internal spam_score setting

    3. Click On for Do not forward mail to external recipients if it matches the Apache SpamAssassin™ internal spam_score setting

  4. Click Save

Change hostname

  1. Go to Networking Setup >> Change Hostname

  2. In New Hostname enter: [FQDN] (your fully qualified domain name)

  3. Click Change

Edit default Quota Plan

  1. Go to Packages >> Edit a Package

  2. Click default

  3. Click Edit

  4. Change the following:

    1. Disk Quota (MB): 5000

    2. Monthly Bandwidth (MB): 100000

    3. Max FTP Accounts: 5

    4. Max Email Accounts: 0

    5. Max Email Lists: 0

    6. Max Databases: 1

    7. Max Subdomains: 5

    8. Max Parked Domains: 5

    9. Max Addon Domains: 5

    10. Maximum Hourly Email by Domain Relayed: 250

    11. Maximum percentage of failed or deferred messages a domain may send per hour: 250

    12. Click Save Changes

Graceful Server Reboot

  1. Go to System Reboot >> Graceful Server Reboot

  2. Click Proceed

Mod_PageSpeed Setup

On SSH enter the following:

  1. yum install rpm-build cpio ea-apache24-mod_version

  2. wget

  3. rpmbuild --rebuild ea-apache24-mod_pagespeed-latest-stable.src.rpm

  4. rpm -ivh /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/ea-apache24-mod_pagespeed*.rpm

  5. /etc/init.d/apache2 restart or service httpd restart

Note: 1- if you get following error on Step 3 :
"RPM build errors:
File must begin with "/": %_httpd_moddir/*.so
File must begin with "/": %_httpd_modconfdir/*.conf"

Just create a file named "macros.apache2" in '/etc/rpm/ directory and paste the below content into that and then restart from step 3.
%_httpd_mmn 20120211x8664
%_httpd_apxs /usr/bin/apxs
%_httpd_dir /etc/apache2
%_httpd_bindir %_httpd_dir/bin
%_httpd_modconfdir %_httpd_dir/conf.modules.d
%_httpd_confdir %_httpd_dir/conf.d
%_httpd_contentdir /usr/share/apache2
%_httpd_moddir /usr/lib64/apache2/modules

The installation script will copy "pagespeed.conf" file into " /usr/local/apache/conf/ " or " /etc/apache2/conf.modules.d" on your server. Documentation for Mod_PageSpeed can be found here.

Check back with us for more updates, and the videos coming wednesday!


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