Using Mod_PageSpeed Filters
Mod_PageSpeed Filters Apache Mod_PageSpeed is still currently "incubating" as you can see if you checkout the official Mod_PageSpeed site . Though it has been incubating for several years now, it's a tool that Google very highly recommends use of for websites and web applications of all sizes. A properly deployment and implementation can save a Developer or Programmer hours, if not days of their time tweaking and optimizing everything from image format ( like jpg to webp ), to minifying and prioritizing JavaScript and CSS assets. The beauty about it is that you have the option of setting filters at site level in for example the .htaccess file, or in the configuration file the server side. Some filters like minifying and image compression make sense on server side, however, if you host sites for say a real estate firm where the listings are constantly changing and updated, you'll want to set specific image caching rules per site. If you haven't already, you shoul