Elon Musk Trolling, "5G" AT&T, Lowest Bidder in Tech, and more!

SEC gets the last laugh?

What a wild couple months it has been for Elon Musk! The Air Force is investigating options to punish him and Space X after taking a hit from what appeared to be marijuana on Joe Rogan's Podcast, his tweet about securing funding to take Tesla private pissed off the SEC, and a slew of other various things.

It should be noted though, Elon and Joe were in California where marijuana is legal, so aside from some sort of contract violations, I don't know how the Air Force could punish him.

On the other hand, the "Shortseller Enrichment Commision" nailed Elon with a $20 million fine, and he has to resign his Chairman position of Tesla within 45 days. However, he does get to retain his Presidency and a seat on the board without admission of guilt. He will also be allowed to be appointed to Chairman again after 3 years.

I really don't know who's getting the last laugh. I guess we will see in 3 years or so.

AT&T launching "5G" Evolution...

I posted about this on Facebook jokingly calling it HSPA+ 2.0. Don't know what I am talking about? Well, in the time AT&T was trying to outmarket Verizon to 4G LTE dominance they rolled out a second generation of their 3G HSPA network called HSPA+ and labeled it "4G". Then as they rolled out their true 4G network utilizing LTE, they marketed it as 4G LTE. It's a confusing, bullshit marketing tactic and they are doing it again with 5G. Honestly, I don't even understand the reasoning behind it as their true 5G network is literally right around the corner.

T-Mobile handled the LTE thing the best, in my opinion a few years back. They didn't have the money to jump on early tech like AT&T and Verizon did, so when they finally rolled out their LTE network, it was on the newest generations of hardware. This paid off as for a great period of time T-Mobile was rated by third parties as having the best and fastest LTE network in the USA.

On the other end of the spectrum

Get it, spectrum? I'm so funny! The WiFi Alliance whom develop and certify WiFi standards have announced they will be creating a new naming scheme that is more consumer friendly using a single digit to define the generation, like cellular technology does. Rather than marketing the underlying standard moniker, the WiFi standards will start the naming convention with WiFi 4 (802.11n) thru WiFi 6 (802.11ax). This is a great and useful move as it will allow those whom might otherwise not be tech savvy, and therefor shop for the cheapest product, find the right WiFi router/devices for their use case.

China allegedly has backdoors into U.S. Agencies

I can't even pretend to be shocked, like not even a little bit. The U.S. government more often than not awards contracts to the lowest bidders. That means that either companies operating outside the U.S. or companies who operate their manufacturing/labor outside the U.S. generally win those contracts. China apparently has been inserting microchips into silicon that is used for U.S. government servers (and probably other various applications). You can read more from Task and Purpose here.

Visit Lemacks Media https://lemacksmedia.com/news/10/05/elon-musk-trolling-5g-att-lowest-bidder-in-tech-and-more/ for updates and more content.


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